1. Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Wage (RMMG):
The value of the Guaranteed Minimum Monthly Wage (RMMG) in effect in 2023 is seven hundred and sixty euros (760.00 euros).
2. Social Support Index (IAS):
The value of the Social Support Index to take effect in 2023 is four hundred and eighty euros and forty-three cents (€480.43).
Note: It is on this index that managers and directors without remuneration pay social security contributions (when covered).
3. Food Allowance:
The limit for exemption for food allowances is now €5.20. If it is granted in meal vouchers (food card) this limit is €8.32.
Miles per Kilometre
In travels made by the company’s staff, at its service, with its own vehicle, the value to be considered per kilometer is 0.36€.
5. Ajudas de Custo:
Subsistence allowances for company staff when on business-related trips:
- Trips within the country: 50,20€.
- Trips abroad: 89,35€.
Note: Per diems can only be awarded for travel greater than 20 km from the “required domicile” (usual place of work).